#ApparentlyGrateful 2017.01.03

It’s 5am and I’m continuing to show my gratitude towards God (as I had posted yesterday) by thanking Him... by thinking of Him… by putting Him… first. I mean, for the past 6 or so months (if not all of my life), I’ve put my selfishness first, but this year, my mindset is geared towards simply being "apparently grateful", because I’m able to wake up this morning, and make things right.

Now, I despise New Years resolutions, but I will seem to use any motivating factor to do what is right for God (as long as it doesn’t go against God’s Words). So, I’d like to think that He looks past the "how" and sees the "why" in what I do. I’d like to think that God is pleased with me putting Him first today, and not focus so much on "a New Year’s resolution". So, per usual, I woke up before my alarm, but changed things up by keeping my word and started my day w\Him, and plopped myself down in front of my computer to get in my quiet time.

We can take things for granted. I mean, look at your cellphone. Most of us are blessed to own a smartphone, and more likely than not, we have the Bible app installed. This means that we can turn to scripture, at any moment, with no excuse. God has made His Word that available for us!! And to add to that, our phones make life easier bc we can find the nearest restaurant, or when that movie will play, or the weather report for the next couple of days… all within seconds! I mean, our lives have become dependent bc of this technology. And yet, we don’t truly realize what went into the making of these apps. Someone had to create the idea, design it, code it, and maintain it. All we see is "what it can do for me to make my life easier".
That’s God & His Word in our lives. It performs miracles in our lives, makes our lives that much easier and enjoyable, and we have (rightfully so) become dependent upon it. And yet, we take it for granted… And at times, we even develop this attitude that it’s "owed" to us, and we don’t have to do\show\give Him anything for it… We can be very selfish.
Life is busy- We have to juggle work, family, home, working out, others, church, and let’s not forget about "our" fun… And yet, we have to add "God" into that mix as well? Definitely!! He is the reason for everything in our lives, from the job, to the house, to the air in our lungs (as well as the sub-zero cold outside) so He should definitely be the "first juggling ball"… and yet, we have the hardest time with that one (from time to time).
How is your mindset today? Are you grateful to wake up, with what you have, to do what your normally do on every Wednesday? To see the people in your life? Or will you take today for granted? Treat it as another "day", like any other? Today is the day that God has given you! What will you do with it?