BONUS: Who Are you, Really? 2016.11.16
Question: Who are you, really?
Next Question: Who are you in Jesus?
Better question, who does Jesus say you are?
The best place for any answer is the Bible.
Asking ourselves the question, "who are you?" is a great question because it often points to the root of insecurity. Think about it: when we struggle against insecurity, the fear that comes with it, grabs hold of our hearts, and it's probably because we have forgotten who we are in Jesus.
As baptized disciples in the one true god, we are:
- An heir with Jesus [Romans 8:17]
- One of God's people [1 Peter 2:9]
- A son or daughter of God [2 Corinthians 6:18]
- Called out from living like this world [2 Corinthians 6:17]
- Loved with an everlasting love [1 John 3:1]
Or perhaps, our struggle stems from knowing what God wants from us, but us living apart from that purpose. Think of your favorite song - Now imagine it being played where one instrument, or the lead singer, is off-key or off-beat. The same can be said when the song of walk w\Him is off-key.
Maybe our actions are what's causing our friction? What do your actions say about who you are? Do they conflict with what Christ expects us to be in Him? Just like "the off-key song", our lives will be difficult if our actions are also not in line with Him.
I used to have the hardest time in "being happy for others" - jobs, promotions, relationships & weddings, possessions... therapy helped tremendously but I still struggle it sometimes. I forget that these things are all "nothing" - They do nothing in my relationship with Him. In all honesty, they take the focus off of Him, and onto myself. In the eyes of God, we are all "equal". It's also not a competition to be better. The Bible stresses that we are to be "less" so that He can be greater. You are His and there is nothing you can do to make you more or less loved by Him.
In the end, Jesus is the only factor that changes the entire equation. Yes, life may seem difficult right now, and the future may seem bleak, but we need to remember Jesus. Think of Psalms when Israel needed renewed hope. They listed off all of their past experiences where God had shown them kindness. Remembering that goodness, rejoicing in that goodness, we must know that God's nature will never change.
I'm finishing up this post in my therapist's waiting room. And being someone who struggles with insecurities, I am, curious as to how non-believers can ever work past this stuff! I mean, I'm sure that it's been done by even the strongest of atheists, but how? And how much more work is needed to do so? For us, we need to stop focusing upon ourselves and focus upon God, the one person who can do anything to get us through this, who has the power to make a difference. How much easier is this or any other obstacle we'll face, knowing that He is with us?