Daily Scripture 2016.08.24

Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Up to this point, Israel was freed from Egyptian slavery, had witnessed multiple miracles (manna, water from rocks, pillar of cloud by day, fire by night, ...), and with Moses dead, Joshua leads them now to the Promised land..

(interesting note: the Greek name "Jesus" translates to the Hebrew name "Joshua")

God just called Joshua to boldness in God, which turns out to be his weakness. Even a God-appointed leader needs encouragement.

Today was a slow day for me, quiet and uneventful. You'd think that that'd be a great thing, but it leaves my mind open for unhealthy thinking. Whereas yesterday, I was beaming with gratitude for God, today I find myself tired & susceptible to the devil's taunts, much less, my own machinations.

This scripture is to remind us that we can never give up. God's promise is steadfast & unwavering - He does not lie. He has pulled us out from this world and does not leave us on our own, unless we choose so. I could "blame" this on not getting my quiet time done earlier, or not praying or offering up enough gratitude for what He's done... But in the end, it comes down to faith. Faith in what He's already done, said that He does, and what He has promised to do.