Daily Scripture 2016.09.25
Colossians 2:6-7 "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

We all struggle with faith from time to time... like waiting patiently for God to fulfill a need, or to help us through a difficult situation, or to just tell us what he wants from us in our lives. Loving & believing in God is easier when the skies are sunny & bright, and yet we can see the cracks in our faith when they become dark & grey.
Faith has been likened to a harvest - You get from it what you put into it. If your effort to cultivate faith is weak, so are it's roots in Him. And a tree with weak roots doesn't have a great chance of surviving a storm. But a tree with strong roots in God will not only stand strong hough the storm, but also overflow with thankfulness, even during the storm.
This isn't exactly new information - We all know and have experienced this. When our quiet times, prayer, reaching out to one another, is on point, our faith in God seems strong, able to withstand life's struggles. And when we "take a break" or focus our attention on other things, even the smallest struggles seem to have a greater negative impact.
Faith is developed through knowing God's Word - Live what you read! (Try it & you'll be surprised in it's growth spurt in you). Godly love (agape) is an action - Your action is an indicator of your heart. If our desire isn't for God, then it will certainly show in our actions. And "agape" isn't "agape" when it's not active - Loving God's way will always require energy & movement. Faith is also grown when we share it. Not only with strangers, but with each other. It's also developed when we believe in the impossible - Look again at the definition of the word "faith" - Do you believe that God is alive and all powerful? Capable of the "impossible"?
Whats funny is that God wants us to have faith in Him. So much so, that He's done everything possible for us to do so - All we need to do is our part (which is the problem). How wonderful is it to reflect upon the fact that the creator of the heavens & the earth, loves you so much that He wants you to trust in Him, especially at your most difficult?