so... today is day #4 in my "jobless scenario" (well, day #4 in the "workday" sense, but 6 days completely as an unemployed person) and... I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW TOMORROW!!!
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Right off the bat, I thank God, for He is the one who provides... all of the time. When we're all struggling with "when Lord?!?" (like me yesterday), He is making the way available to you in the background.
Is this the end of my joblessness?
is this an answered prayer?
Will "my approach to God" change depending on the outcome?
not at all
I will do my best to thank God for all that He has done, continues to do and will do, regardless of what happens. "Yes!" i want the job... "Yes!" this would take a large block of worry off my back! But only if this is what God truly wants me to have! And I can only hope that I am strong enough, that I have enough faith in Him, for the interview’s outcome.
You see, i prayed for a job, but i also prayed for "attention": someone to respond to my resume... for an interview... for someone to let me know that I "exist". (I struggle with a few things, but ... don't we all?!?)
You see, this "attention" has freed up my mind & heart from excess worrying, and given me hope of a possible future where I am working. But I am also not trying to run wild with hope - God can do anything... but what if this was just to free me from worry? To let me know that He's there, listening but also working on this for me? But i just need to wait a little longer for now?
I was always a firm believer that God answers all prayers, but with only 3 answers: "yes", "no" and "not right now". Obviously, "yes" is the answer we want to hear... but even though "no" doesn't work for us, it's an answered prayer because God knows what's best.
"God pls give me money / car / fame ..."
"No"... how does this this blessing for you, bring honor to God? What type of person will you be if you're given these things? It's easy to say "grateful" when you don't have it, but something completely different when you do. Also, you need to sincerely & honestly ask yourself: if I ever get this item,will this replace God?
(don't get me wrong - there is nothing wrong with money\objects\fame when you've worked for it. My only question is - what do these things bring out in you? Will it bring out the "Jesus" in you even more? What would happen if you suddenly lost all of it?)
"God, pls send me the woman that you've designed for me,
so we can spend the rest of our lives together!"
"Not right now"... because maybe you're just not ready? You love the Lord but you love porn almost as much, if not more? Maybe ystill haven't worked out your control issues, preventing you from having not only a spiritually-minded relationship, but also a healthy one. Or maybe, she's just not ready herself.
"But Cecil - don't you need a job?!? This job sounds exactly like what you can do!"
Yes... but who knows best? Who sees the bigger picture? Maybe God wants me to just wait a bit longer, working on my patience and reliance upon Him some more? And this was just to let me know that He's there... listening.... working in the background... I don't know! All I know is, God knows best, He provides, and whatever He wants to happen, is best for me! (and i pray for the strength, faith & endurance to stick to that!)
But I learned something new whilst writing up today's message - sometimes God turns a deaf ear.
I believed that God was the type of god who loved & cared for all of us, even the ones who refuse to know Him. I mean, we he's given them another day of life - this has got to mean something! But Proverbs 15:8 says something different:
The sacrifice of the wicked is hateful and exceedingly offensive to the Lord,
But the prayer of the upright is His delight! | ||
Proverbs 15:8 (Amplified Bible) |
People who go to God only when they need something, offends God!! Part of me is like "wowwww"... but another part of me is "yup. that makes sense!". God is not a vending machine. Why would God answer your prayers when you've done nothing for Him? In the scripture, your "sacrifice" is your offering... and not you "breaking down and calling upon God as a 'hail mary'".
"well... your god is a jerk! how can he let that happen?!"
How often did He put someone in your path so you can begin a relationship with Him? How many times have you fallen back on "imperfect human thinking" or the "baggage" that you've bitterly carried all your life, instead of opening up your mind to a Greater Purpose? How often do you make fun of His followers, only to now need His Help?
Don't get me wrong - there have been times when God does hear the cries of unbelievers, such as Ninevah in the book of Jonah. The Ninevites had no reason to think that God would answer their prayers, and yet, he did. He heard their prayer of repentance towards Him, and He showed them mercy:
7This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh:
"By the decree of the king and his nobles:
Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. 8But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish."
10When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. | ||
Proverbs 15:8 (NIV) |
Whether or not God will answer my prayer with tomorrow's interview, I will lift His Name and give him my praise regardless. And if this doesn't work out for me, I will continue to pray to Him, praying for His continued support through this time in my life.