Do We Pray Together Often Enough? 2016.10.17
I just love our church. It's filled with people of like-minds (or hearts), their lives dedicated to living for God because we acknowledge His power & sovereignty. We go to church, we (hopefully) have consistent quiet times, and we pray to God, for ourselves, our families & others. We'll pray for one another, encourage one another, upbuild and, at times, correct. But what I love the most (humorously) is how we are a dedicated people of God, and yet we don't pray often with one another.
OK, fine... maybe it's just me, but i feel like, as christians, we don't pray enough with one another. Reflecting upon my day yesterday, I'm thinking of all of the lost opportunities where I could've prayed with someone (outside of actual service & meals), and I'm aware of (at least) 11 people with whom i've spoken to, where we could've (and one person's situation truly called for it). Why does it seem "odd" to pray with others?
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20
When I think of praying with others, I think of Bob Oberle. He always asks to pray over what's covered during a conversation, or asks what he can pray about for me personally. He's what I call, a "prayer warrior". And despite my track record for yesterday (*sigh*), I've made it a goal (a while back) to reach out & pray with others often. A good amount of those times are "for me" - I need to talk with someone, pray about what I'm struggling with... but the other times are when I'm listening to people talk about their day, and how they need some form of refreshment. How much of a blessing can we bestow upon someone when we offer to pray over something with them that involves them personally?
We all know of the true power of prayer, and even more so when it's done in a group. How often have we prayed for a particular ministry, only for it to flourish within some time? The act of praying together brings us into God's presence in a fuller dimension that when we pray alone. Matthew 22:2 says that the kingdom of heaven is like a banquet, and not a table for two - This was meant to be shared! The happiness & laughter that's shared over dinner with friends, is a feeling that's meant to be shared... We all need food & we can do it alone, but when it's done together, there's so much more to enjoy.
When we pray together, we learn from one another on how to pray. There is no real wrong way to pray, and most certainly aren't meant to be judged, but we can learn from others that can open our prayer life even more.
Praying together should give us a deep feeling of belonging. When we pray together, we are a necessary part of a greater purpose.
Praying together improves our spirits. we are comforted when we look out for others, feeling their love & care, irregardless of how we felt beforehand.
And praying together opens our heart to the needs of others. Sometimes, we can be the answer to someone's prayers.
I think of how I spent my yesterday, slow cooking a meal for a friend, in the attempt to encourage them. I had prepared some of their favorite foods, hoping to show them just how much I appreciate our friendship. I joked with them in how they have a "6th love language" - food! And although the thought & food were appreciated, it was the conversation surrounding that "exchange" that felt encouraging for me (and probably for them as well). Food, words, laughs, smiles, memories... were all exchanged, but how much more would it have been to encourage them if we had prayed? Thanking God for making us siblings, for putting it on my heart to encourage my friend... to truly draw God into the moment because He's the reason that this is happening.
God's always with us and we must pray to Him often, as best friends often communicate. But His presence should be felt more strongly when we pray with others. We are strengthened & blessed when we do.