Endurance Ain't for Quitters 2016.10.24
I'll be the first one to share - Throughout most of my life, I've always been a quitter. No matter what I went through, due to the pain or discomfort of a situation, I'd simply walk away. If the "finish line" to whatever I was "running" was around the corner (w\o my knowing), I'd quit right here. And it wasn't until later that i'd realized, "If I had just held on another day, or week, or month... It all would've worked out!" At one point or another, we all feel like some situations in our lives are "impossible", but the Bible tells us that we must stand strong and finish our own personal race.

I've never been a fan of definitions that use the word it's defining in the definition, so look at the 2nd explanation: "the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear & tear". We all know that life will never be easy, and that a life as God's disciple will seem even more arduous, that is why we need to cultivate endurance.
Jesus will always be our Example:
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. | ||
Hebrews 12:2 |
This passage refers to the crucifixion, which took away the penalty of sin for those who've placed their faith in Him, but the principle applies to us as well.
"But Jesus was perfect, had all
of the power & wisdom
imaginable... That ain't me..."
Jesus is SO our Example, even if it comes to quitting.
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." | ||
Luke 22::42 |
Although He felt the overwhelming weight of what He was going through, He knew of the reward & success when He accomplished His goal. He knew that this wasn't about Him, but was God's Plan. And as impossible as all of this seemed, He knew that the only way through it was with God. Winning, and not losing, consumed His mind!
For some of us, we have become accustomed to quitting. We need to remember the God that we serve, the God that has OUR backs is the Master over what's impossible. When we face those difficult moments that seem impossible, we need to remember that they are impossible!!! If God calls us to it, then we should not be able to get through it without Him. (See a previous post re: this)
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. | ||
Hebrews 10:36 |
God isn't the type of Person who asks you to do something, and then leaves you to handle it alone. When you break it down, you can't lose - He asks you to do something, He tells you that He'll help, He's never let you down before ever, and you will succeed! We are the "weakest link" in that chain. But we need to remember that with God, we are mighty, will endure, and will walk away from this victorious.