Every Morning Is A Second Chance 2017.04.28
How are you doing on your 2017 New year's Resolutions?! Did you lose that weight? Enforce that budget? Increase your quiet\prayer times? Or did you forget about those resolutions? Gave up after a couple of weeks... Isn't it great that God is all about second chances when we stumble? His mercies aren't new every January 1st, but every morning!
John 3:17 says "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." This means that God doesn't look at you with (what I call) the "sad, disappointed father"-face when you made your last mistake. ou don't need to feel ashamed of your past failures, because God isn't ashamed of you.
But there are people who think that they are judged & criticized by God. They have no desire to spend time with this critical god that they've imagined in their head. But if we want to be happy & healthy, this type of thinking is counter-productive. To
get healthy, you need to accept that God loves you completely and unconditionally. Jesus dying on the cross
makes you completely acceptable to God - regardless of how many mistakes you've made.
| Peace and Hope |
| Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, |
| Romans 5:1 |
Think about it - no matter what happens yesterday, no matter how good or bad, God woke you up today so you can take another crack at the things that didn't go so well yesterday. The bible states that you have complete access to God because you are an amazing child of God.
Our failures do not define who we are - It's what we do when we fail that defines us. And knowing in your heart & head that God's unconditional love is there, should give you the energy that you need to get back up & to keep trying. If you only knew how His heart went out for you every time you felt like you blew it?

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<span class="post-author-name">C. G. Espejo</span>
<span class="post-date">Posted on April 28th, 2017</span>
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