#FamilyCanEqualStruggle [Part 2] 2018.01.11
Yesterday, I started to blog about how we can recalibrate\recharge ourselves so we can remain faithful to God when we find ourselves struggling with friends & family. In the end, our "frustration" has little-to-nothing with "them" but what we need to grow within ourselves. I covered 5 simple topics that we must reflect upon, in order to grow as disciples, from selflessness, seeking their salvation, forgiveness all around, truly listening and including them. Here are another:
Be Generous
Despite what we think, we are blessed beyond compare. God has given us what we have for more than our personal enjoyment. And in return, we are called by Him to steward what He has entrusted to each of us, by sharing it with others. In the end, love seeks to give, and give big.

Giving is important, but we usually end up picking & choosing with whom we’re generous with so… Even so, many today find it easier to part with their money than their time, as if currency has more value over "calendar currency". But we must remind ourselves that real generosity is us giving with real sacrifice. When we love outside of ourselves, it goes farther than "an easy offering". Love gives until it hurts… and sometimes, continues to give. A great measuring tool for our brothers & sisters can be seen in our willingness to sacrifice what you have for their good.

Tell the Truth
Love doesn’t lie, but in fact, speaks the truth. Truth doesn’t involve us offering true opinions, but truth itself. It is willing to offer hard words when needed. It’s our love for others that I can correct, rebuke even, and not from our mere love for truth. They mean more to us than "hurt feelings" or "off-limit topics".

Encourage Them With Gospel
Love doesn’t flatter, but encourages. We even preach God’s Word when we encourage others - Our words & actions are embodiments of scripture, to those who need it. Love directs people to Jesus, in whom we see love in it’s brightest form. Everyone around us, including ourselves, needs to hear about His life, death & resurrection, because it is the good news that we need in our lives. It’s not just for the lost, but for the found as well. Because without it, we will drift back to false hopes, doubts & fears.

Pray For Them
This seems the most obvious, but we need it reminded often - If you love your brothers & sisters, then you will pray for them. It’s funny how, when asked, we will quickly promise, "I will pray for you!" only to walk away and never approach God on their behalf. What’s even worse is, those that need the prayer, are happy enough with the failed promise. We appreciate the "nice thought" and think that it’s better than nothing, but fail to realize that that’s exactly what it is: nothing. Love prays. Love seeks God’s Hand in their lives. Love pleads with God for greater grace on the behalf of others. And it’s this love that God responds to.

I’m sure that there are many other ways in how we should be loving others, but these 10 things are probably a good start. And in our efforts, we can stand firm to the scripture:
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. | ||
1 John 3:18 |
We can do this because we have come to know the love of God through the death of Jesus Christ. We have been save by love, and for love.