Forgetting Ain't Good 2016.11.07
Working Title:
Forgetting About God is
the Spiritual Equivalent
of Your Zipper Being Open:
So, if you read yesterday's post, I was just firing on all spiritual pistons! Great start to the day, heart was in the right place, needed to record where I was with God, and I was looking forward to having dinner with my dad (visiting from Baltimore), and my 2 brothers, kids & all. How could anything go wrong? I'm sure that I would continue to beam God's influence throughout the night....
So, yeah... that didn't happen. Maybe I was tired, I don't know but I was just meh - no beaming, some jokes but I definitely was down a few spiritual pistons. I should've prayed with my\our brother Joe, I should've remembered the tactics I learned in therapy... I dunno. I wasn't "angry" but I definitely didn't have the joy that night that I had earlier that day.
I think what I'm learning is how you can go from being "on fire" to "burned out" like that.
I think that David had it right:
Praise the Lord, my soul,
and forget not all his benefits | ||
Psalm 103:2 |
God didn't ruin my mood - I must've somehow and maybe 'forgetting" about God was the (or part of) the problem. I know that if this were true, it was minor - I didn't (gravely) sin. It was still a "good night". But should we only remember God during the tougher times, or make the effort to remember Him thru all of the times? What happens when we "forget" about God? (completely, or in small microscopic parts)
Forgetting Leads to Unbelief, and then Rebellion
The newly freed Israelites had witnessed 10 miraculous plagues, and the end of their 400yrs of slavery. And yet...
When our ancestors were in Egypt,
they gave no thought to your miracles;
they did not remember your many kindnesses,
and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea. | ||
Psalm 106:7 |
And even after the parting of the Red Sea, their lost hope when they had no water.
We, too, can "rebel" against God when we come across obstacles, and begin to rely upon ourselves for answers. God has never let us down, and yet how quickly do we forget that the Master over the Impossible wants us to approach Him in regards to everything? Any disbelief in God, no matter how small or inconsequential, is all that the devil needs to make gap bigger between us & God.
Forgetting Makes Us Do Foolish Things
When Moses "took too long", the Israelites quickly made themselves a new god...
They exchanged their glorious God
for an image of a bull, which eats grass. | ||
Psalm 106:20 |
But in the end, Forgetting Upsets God
When the Israelites forgot about God, their Savior, the One who had performed many great & wonderful things for them, He became angry.
21They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt,
22miracles in the land of Ham and awesome deeds by the Red Sea.
23So he said he would destroy them— had not Moses, his chosen one, stood in the breach before him to keep his wrath from destroying them. | ||
Psalm 106:21-23 |
Ok, so this seems a bit extreme at first glance... But remember that we are so unworthy of God's love, forgiveness & grace. So how much more should we be appreciative of that? Or are we only to be humble during the times when we need Him? Does our God deserve praise & worship in frequencies like an ocean wave?
Is Jesus truly Lord 60(sec)\60(min)\24\7\52? Or are we forgetting the miracles we've witnessed in our lives?
If you're having a difficult time remembering, trying keeping a journal with God? By reflecting daily on answered prayers, we can go back and relive those moments, strengthening our memory of God's interaction within out lives. Memorize scripture that God shows you during specific situations.
Unfortunately, we will forget. And we will never ever get to a point where we'll reach some "constant zen" in appreciating God. But we must remember, "fall seven times, get up eight" and that God's love endures forever.
Let's spend a bit more time reflecting upon God's goodness. He truly wants us to pay attention. He is always active in our lives, but we fail to see that. Just like strengthening faith, or overcoming anger, this is also something that needs to be exercised and will take time. But how much closer does it bring us to God?