Get Up And Fight... Anxiety 2017.05.08
The scripture says that we are to leave the fight with God... That He will provide...
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
How often have we read this scripture during tough times? How many times have we received this scripture from friends & counsel? How often have we given it to others to encourage? Although a comforting scripture, notice how it doesn't say "You will not struggle with fear"? How often does it "turn into a battle" when fear shows up? God does not say that we will have no anxieties, but does tell us with how to fight when they strike.

The main points to 1 Peter 5:7:
- When anxiety hits, take it to God.
- It does not tell us that we will, or how to live, without anxiety.
Whether we care to agree or not, daily feelings of anxiety are somewhat normal. I think that it all depends on how we "handle" them - How do we "fight" anxiety?

The answer to that question is, we fight anxiety by fighting against disbelief, and the belief in God's constant grace. The scriptures tell us that do this by meditating on God's assurances of future grace & by asking for help from His Spirit.
When we drive and dirt or mud covers our windshield, we have a hard time "seeing". We click a lever and windshield washer fluid hits the window, and the wipers clear away the obstruction - We can then see clearly again.
When struggles happen, God's promises is what wipes the mud of disbelief, and the windshield washer fluid is the Holy Spirit. Our battle to be freed from sin, including the sin of anxiety, is fought "of the Spirit and through belief in the truth." [2 Thess. 2:13(b)] God's promises wipe away whatever blocks our vision, working with, and not against, the softening "washer fluid" that is the Holy Spirit.
Both are necessary - Word & Spirit. Anxiety is what blurs (or blocks) our vision of God's Plan for us. If left, it could cause us to swerve & crash - and God does not want that. No matter how difficult it may seem, God does not want us to "see" this way. Reading (and re-reading) God's promises & praying for His Spirit is crucial in fighting out anxiety.