#GetMarried 2018.01.07

Sunday's have always been a tough day to get in my quiet times... probably because it starts off busy, and then gets lazy afterwards. And I have this notion stuck in my head that I need to do this "first" so... the acceptance of failure is "fine" (but we know that it's not when it comes to God so...) But since i completely forgot to get in my time yesterday, I really want to do something for God today - For me, it's to make up for yesterday (amongst other things), but for Him, He loves the effort and has already forgiven me for yesterday. And that's why He's awesome!
Being a tragically beautiful & hilariously comical single guy, I hear often from people "are you dating ?" because of what they "saw". I was talking to a married brother, and he had shared how his wife thought this because of how this sister & I interacted.
Pls Note: Before one starts taking their mind in different
directions, we weren't making out in public or anything
like that, but this married sister had witnessed how we
were interacting, laughing and how I would give hugs.
(because apparently the "side-hug" is HR friendly and a social
standard, and the "two-arm frontal" means something!!! LOL)
And if I had a dollar for every time someone misinterpreted that I was dating someone because we simply "sat together" at service, or were in a picture that I had posted in facebook.... I'd have at least $5.
As much as these people may observe\want me to be happy with someone\jump to conclusions... I do want to live my life married this year. So much so, that it's a New Years's resolution (even tho I despise the notion of "resolutions").
My "This Ain't A New Years Resolution" Resolution for 2018:
I want to be married... to God's Word |
When I am in a relationship, people know it... they can see the happiness emanating in everything that I do (and pre-therapy, they also see the "downs" in me as well). There is this "light" in me when I am with that "someone", and that's a good thing because, that's how relationships should be - You are happy!
I was talking to someone recently, and we tried to describe our "2017" with one word - My word was processing. I've shared this with you before - 2017 was one of the best years of my life, only to become one of the worst, only to become the best year of my life. There was a lot of growth & loss that had to happen so I can appreciate my God, and myself, that much more. I share this because it's sets up the concept that I am finally happy by myself. As much as I want a relationship (and see God giving me this in life), I need to be that
"annoyingly happy person when dating" as a single person first. And I think that I'm finally there.
But instead of saying "Well, he's dating so & so", I want people to respond to my happiness & heart with "He must be married to God's Word". I want to be able to convey my dedication to God thru action, and nothing else... but how does one "do" that?
Do the spiritual inventory, but ignore the guilt
Why is it that, when we check in on our growth, feeling guilty soon follows? Why don't we pray more? Could I have learned more scriptures? Did I share my faith with more strangers? Without the right mind- (or heart-) set, it's easy to find our lacking in some way.

Feeling overwhelmed with how or where our spiritual walk is, is exactly what the devil wants. He wants that doubt to germinate & become more than our love for God. He may even want us to make these resolutions to "grow in God" but fail because they are short-lived, supporting our own doubt & guilt. The devil is a liar.
God Himself comes first
Not to downplay prayer/fellowship/sharing your faith, we first start with the Bible b\c "hearing" God's Word is the most fundamental beginning of His Grace in our lives. Altho prayer & fellowship are equally essential, they don't play the same fundamental role b\c a Christian's walk is not a symmetrical partnership between man & God.

God's Word comes first b\c God comes first. He acts first. We did not create the world our ourselves. And we do not initiate the Christian life - He does. First, He speaks and then we respond in prayer. He speaks, and then His Word creates a people called "the church".
When we spend time w\God's Word, bc it increases the opportunity for God's Word to light a fire in each of us. Learn how the Bible will feed you when you are hungry, only to walk home with baskets left over.
Let's not fool ourselves here...
I say "Marry the Bible" because with any successful & happy marriage, there needs to be devotion, humility and hard work for it to even be remotely successful. But let me ask you something - In today's "Me First" age of comfort & technology, instant access to seasons of our favorite shows, all at our finger tips, can you truly maintain a powerful, free & renewed mind with a 10-min glance at the Bible? Once a day?

Note: Pls don't think that I'm bashing\judging anyone
by using the "10min reference". It's a good step from
"less" or "nothing". And if that's where you are, then
keep going. But try to remember that step 1 isn't the
"finish line" in a never-ending race. We does this for
joy, rather than mere duty.
Be honest: Ever see a truly spiritual person, someone who embodies God's spirit & Word, when they spend 99% of their time absorbing the goings on of the world, and 1% absorbing God?
If you want to bring forth the will of God in your life like a mother does a child, then we must marry God's Word. There is no other way around it.
More than just a reading plan
By all means, make a habit of reading the Bible first thing in the morning. Let your reading open up your meditation upon God's Word, and let meditation grow into prayer. Our quiet times are like date nights w\our spouse - but dates do not a marriage make! We need to earnestly reflect upon what a "marriage" w\God's Word might look like for each of us.
Personally, I enjoy listening to Faith Radio (locally on 94.1) when I am in the car. Now, don't get me wrong but I'm not a HUGE, "raise my arm to the sky like an antenna for God" type of Christian... Some of it is great but most of it is simply music to me. And that's ok. But I am the kind of guy that likes talk radio, and 94.1 replays sermons from some amazing ministers & pastors, and it truly invokes my mind toward God.
To make this marriage work, we need to find out what we can easily do for it, strengthen ourselves to the things that seem difficult, and ignore our fears to the things that seem insurmountable.
Unlike Flu & Cold season, it's better when you share it
Remember my reference to Matthew 14, when we marry the Bible, you will walk away with tons of leftovers... so you can share it with others. God's Word dwells inside of you, fixing & strengthening you, you will want to extend that towards others. And you will learn that when you do this, we will find God's Word that much more sweeter, enjoying it all the more. Overflowing hearts don't stay full when we lock it down - it's when we let it overflow and share it with others.
Marrying God's Word is not a hide. but to share with everyone around us. As God fills us with the spiritual life and joy He imparts to us through His Word, He will put a word in our mouth and make our meal all the more filling as we pass it around to others. The dominos will begin falling as the word of God comes into its central, initiating, energizing place in our souls.