Glorifying God Despite The Garbage 2017.04.24

2017 has been an incredible year for me, despite the fact that nothing outside of "me" has changed. I've found myself to be more positive and healthy (in my heart & mind) than i've ever been throughout my entire life. I've changed how I "see" things even though the things or people around me, have not (I'm talking about "perspective" and not "individual growth"). And all of my personal growth, goes to God. I thank Him for helping in removing something that i've put so much energy & attention to throughout my life, so I could give that back to Him.
And it seems as if the devil's just not happy with that - To remove something that has been been in my "spiritual way", most certainly upsets him. To be able to see "unhealthy" situations, and know how to handle (and if necessary avoid) them, and still have the ability to remain happy, has simply tightened the devil's sights upon me. And he is good at what he does.
Right now, he is using my some "close friends" to get me to crack. Where God has been able to help me remove the a lot of my focus from "my selfish problems", the devil has me focused on some unhealthy things of others. We are all broken, damaged, carrying bags upon bags of issues - even after 2yrs of therapy, I still consider myself a "work in progress" (and will probably do so for the remainder of my life).
I've always had the mindset to "know why" something happened. And in the past, since I had little control over my emotions, things would blow up. And now, I still struggle because, I can't understand how to deal with someone who won't accept responsibility for their actions, who have an excuse for everything that they do, or are just incapable of acknowledging what the real problem is.
I know what you're thinking - You can only control yourself, and you are only responsible for yourself. Everything else is like spitting against the wind - You end up being the only person who looks silly.

8Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

1 Peter 5:8-9

How often do we come across a victory, only for the devil to quickly spin it so we still come back to the struggle? How is it that we can take a step closer to God, but the snake confuses us, to the point where we feel like we've taken 2 steps back? How is it that we can learn things that bring us happiness, and yet the devil makes sure that we're struggling because of it? We feel as if we've become more alert, and yet the devil has us confused or intoxicated. So, even when we want to glorify God for what he's done for us, the devil makes sure that even that success gets in the way of our worship.
As difficult as it can become, we must stay alert, even with our "successes"! No matter what "comes" with our change, we must remember that God deserves his praise for what He's done regardless of what the devil throws at us.
In moments like this, we need to also focus on keeping our hearts soft, because the devil hates that. We need to put forth more effort in being vulnerable (which i *struggle* with) to the ones whom the devil uses. We need to pray out to God, and ask Him to help us glorify Him, despite the garbage that the devil leaves on our doorstep. Ask God to glorify Him better