God Ain't Quiet When We Struggle 2017.05.12

Even when we're at our darkest/lowest, I can only hope that we believe that God is close to us during our suffering - we just have to keep our eyes open for Him.
I'm talking about those rare times when we simply aren't motivated to do anything. Not the "i'm just having a bad day" but a "GOD!! What is happening?!?"
At some point in our lives, the word "depression" just fits when describing how we feel. There's nothing wrong with it, nor does it "define" us... Sometimes, things can simply feel overwhelming. This "thing" can make our world heavy & dark, affecting everything we do or feel. I think what hurts, isn't the fact that we feel "numb", but the reminder the times when we felt something, and the contrast between "now" & "then" is what makes the difficulty worse.
You know that to self-reflect so much is the wrong thing to do... You know that you still have to pray & serve the ones around you... You know that God has a plan and that it is all underway... but you simply can't stop dispel the clouds. In the end, only God can do that as well.

16Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Get Up And Get To God
We can be backwards here - We all know that God can "fix" this, and that we need to take it to Him... But why does He seem so far away (when we're struggling)?? We know that He cares, but... hmmmmph, what is taking so long?!?
When you start at "that" place, then you've reached a dead-end. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God has promised to explain everything to us about what He does and allows. But the Bible does tell us to start with Jesus. He is the physical example of God, and has suffered much more than we could possibly imagine.
Think of the people we've studied when it came to "tough times" - Job, Daniel, Paul. Notice how "suffering" the common theme with these guys? How it's the well-worn path that God uses with his favorites?
"But why is this happening to me?!?"
Believe it or not, this isn't suppose to answer that question. But it is supposed to help cushion the blow since God understands - You are not alone. Are we focused so much on "what's happening" or 'the pain", that we can't even look out for God's help?
Let The Bible Talk To You
If you r heart isn't reaching to the Bible for help, you need to check that quick. It is filled with awesome examples that can help you through your tough times.
  • Read about Jesus' suffering in Isaiah 53 and Mark 14. How does it help you to know that Jesus is a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief?
  • Use the Psalms to help you find words to talk to God about your heart. Make Psalm 88 and Psalm 86 your personal prayers to God.
  • Be alert to spiritual warfare. Depressed people are very vulnerable to Satan's claim that God is not good. Jesus' death on the cross proves God's love for you. It's the only weapon powerful enough to stand against Satan's lies. (Romans 5:6-8, 1 John 4:9,10)
  • Don't think your case is unique. Read Hebrews 11 and 12. Many have walked this path before you and they will tell you that God did not fail them.
  • Remember your purpose for living. (Matthew 22:37-39, 1 Corinthians 6:20, 2 Corinthians 5:15, Galatians 5:6)
  • Learn about persevering and enduring. (Romans 5:3, Hebrews 12:1, James 1:2-4)
Despite How Far Away God May "Seem", You Need To Take The First Step
What you're feeling is important & valid - Can you imagine life without feelings?!? I don't see much enjoyment in that. But you need to learn how to "fake it".
Now, i've always disliked this term, and trust me, I've heard it countless times. I've always felt that "faking it" was a lie. "Faking it" is just as bad as telling you "naw, you don't look fat in those jeans".
But that's when you have to let things go. It's either "be true & miserable" or "fake it & look happy". No, it doesn't seem natural - "we're upset!" - but i can be done, must be done, so we can pull ourselves out of the darkness.
As you walk, you will find that it is necessary to remember to use every resource you have ever learned about persevering through hardship. It will involve lots of moment by moment choices:
  1. take one minute at a time,
  2. read one short Bible passage,
  3. try to care about someone else,
  4. ask someone how they are doing, and so on.
You will need to do this with your relationships, too. When you are "numb", how to love must be redefined. Love, for you, must become an active commitment to patience and kindness.
In All Honesty, Struggles Will Never Stop
Although we will always struggle, it rarely keeps a permanent grip on anyone. When we add to that the hope, purpose, power, and comfort we find in Christ, we [during our suffering] can usually anticipate a ray of hope or a lifting of their spirits.