God Is By Your Side 2016.12.02
So, I'm driving my son home Tuesday night (congregational midweek night), and apparently a car won't work right when a spark plug pops out of it's engine. (Mind you, I didn't discover the disconnected spark plug until much later)

Now, I'm gonna keep it real - after 2min of freaking out (my son was with me, it was dark, we were in the middle of nowhere, thought that the engine was DEAD)(and I think that 2min is a big accomplishment for me), I was able get the car to a safe place and start the process to:
a) thank God that we were safe
b) get my son home
c) get "rusty red" home (my son gave the car that name)
d) wonder if the car was worth fixing or if she was dead.
And as I was waiting for my brother to show up to help me with step b, I realized some things:
- It wasn't 10 below.
- The car wasn't on fire.
- We were able to get to a safe place instead of being immobile in the middle of the highway.
Yeah, we were in the middle of nowhere but it was South Glastonbury... so we were close to the border of civilization. And when I discovered the actual cause (and all that was needed was a new spark plug instead of a new car), God was with me. Yeah, I freaked for 2min - I won't deny that, but Cecil "pre-Jesus" would've been ticked for hours, filled with worry, and then thanking no one but the mechanic when the car got fixed. God shook up my world for a second, made me re-focus and helped me to see His hand.
for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. | ||
Philippians 2:13 |
Let's face it - whether you believe in God or not, whatever you face this week, you won't face it alone. God is with you, and He is for you.
The greek word for "works" is "energos", where we get the word energy from. God is that energy within us - We're not running on our own power here... God gives us the power we need, no matter what you're facing.
And not only is He "in us," but with us. John 14:20 says Jesus is "in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." How awesome is that? We are in Jesus, who is in God. That means that, for the devil to get to you, He has to get thru God & Jesus! With that type of protection, why do we even fear?!?!
We all know that God treats us with goodness & mercy. And because of that goodness, God gives us things that we don't deserve, such as grace, forgiveness & salvation. And by His mercy, He doesn't give us things that we do deserve - let's face it, we are sinners.
When you look around you, do you "see" God? We know that God is is that perfect Father, but most of the world does not. There are even those who know He exists, but still don't "see" Him all around - They "believe" only what they see, and they fail to "see" God.
He is always there for us, even when we sin against Him. (Think about that when we struggle with purity!) But unlike a physical father, He will never leave our side - It's always us who leaves Him.
If you struggle with worry or fear, you don't have to. God is always there, watching over & protecting you. Pray to Him to help you "see" Him clearer. He will not say 'no'!!! Remember John 14:20, and you might just say "why in the world am I worrying?!?"