#HSP 2017.06.04
I've have been told all of my life, that I am "too sensitive". It has been implied (or at least, never said to my face) that it's also a weakness. I've been told to "toughen up", "knock it off", and other lovingly-implied but insulting & disconnected comments. As if being overwhelmed with emotion wasn't enough torture, the well-meant comments was a kick to the stomach when you're already down. But to be honest, nothing's worse when I started to believe that this is a weakness, something to get rid of.

BTW, 1 out of 5 people are highly sensitive. It's not a curse or a detriment, but unchecked or unaware, it can feel that way.
It has taken me most of my life to begin to see my "connection to my emotions or feelings" as one of my greatest strengths... It as taken a lifetime to begin to see my sensitivity as a gift, instead of a setback.
There have been times when God has felt far away to me... I still struggle, to this day, this issue with my friends. I don't know if you've ever struggled with the worrying, not knowing, when you're brain "knows" that they are there, but our heart doesn't feel that way? "Inner turmoil" only begins to describe this situation... Only to feel worse (or weak) when people tell you that you need to toughen up... or the worst, you lack faith.
I have learned, over my 8yrs of being a disciple, that no matter how bad things may have seemed, God was always there. No matter how tumultuous the waves of the ocean of emotion may be, God has always been there to help me up & out of it. I may "feel"
God Never Changes
When I am stuck "feeling" or processing situations or people, it's easy to feel alone because I'm the only one feeling overwhelmed with my thoughts & feelings - It's easy to feel alone. But God is always there, and it's just me that needs to step closer to Him. God is always good, always faithful, and always there.The thing that ends this conversation is - It's doesn't matter if you don't believe it; it's true.
because God has said,
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." | ||
Hebrews 13:5 |
God doesn't necessarily cause suffering. We live in a broken world, and that's why we suffer. God does, however, turn that suffering into something beautiful. Every time we reach that "breaking point" and call out to God, we have to understand that He loves us so much, that He allows us to reach that point so we have no choice but to fall back upon Him.
And one thing that I have come to accept it, I am so thankful for the hard times! (I may not during those hard times, but...) I have grown enough to know that, every time something tough happens, no matter how difficult things may seem, I know that
a) I'm going to make it
b) God is teaching me something, mostly about myself
c) things will be even better in due time, no matter what happens
d) when all this is done, I will be even stronger/smarter/wiser because of this
No matter how difficult things may get, God is "restoring" me to the person He wants me to be. And when you see this pain as God picking up & putting the pieces back together through His eyes, how can you not be thankful?!?
No matter if we "feel too much" or not enough, we will all go through hard times. But when we are so stressed out, standing with our hands on our hips, in frustration, God wants us to not look down in defeat, but up to Him for hope & help.