#Humility>Pride 2018.01.16

I woke up this morning, and despite the cold and my selfish desire to stay in bed, I went to the gym and had a great workout. I was starting a new workout routine, and I had to guess which weights to start with. But my guesses were perfect, as I had a great workout! I left with my blood pumping, and feeling like I've a great start to my day.
I know that "working out" is something that I'm doing for myself, but to say that I chose to get up & out of bed, and get into a gym, especially when it's freezing outside, and especially when this winter has been harder for me than most, is a great thing! I sacrificed what I "want" for what I "need". And that's what God wants from each of us - He wants us to sacrifice ourselves, but unlinke my story, towards others, and that will bring out the best in others.
7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. | ||
Galatians 6:7-8 |
Selfishness destroys relationships. The Bible points out that every trouble starts because of our own selfishness.
Submit Yourselves to God | ||
What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? | ||
James 4:1 |
Now, I'm not saying that we're selfish people "from go" - When relationships begin, we put our best foot forward and work really hard at being unselfish. But as times progresses, our selfishness begins to creep in. It is quite common that we put more energy into starting & building relationships, rather than maintaining them.
So... if selfishness destroys relationships, selflessness is what makes them grow. Selflessness means, "more you" and "less me". It means thinking of others before you think of yourself, and putting the needs of others ahead of your own.
not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. | ||
Philippians 2:4 |
So, when we are selfless, when we put others before us, God blesses our spirit. Reflect for a second - In the past, when you've honestly & sincerely sacrificed yourself for someone else, doesn't your heart feel incredible? Like you know that you did the right thing? But what does it do to the people you were selfless to?
Simply put, it brings out the best in others. It builds trust in relationships, and promotes that atmosphere that urges others to support. As difficult as this is, when even the most unlovable people are shown kindness & selfishness, they begin to transform because they are given what they need, and not what they deserve.
7Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. | ||
Galatians 6:7-8 |
How often does God show us selflessness & humility, when we are unlovable & selfish? And He doesn't do it for the gifts - He does it despite His Power, but for the love He has for each & every one of us. He does it so one day we can "see" the people we truly are, if left to our own devices, with the hope of the people we can be because of Him. And when we learn from His example, we are blessed all the more, each time we are unselfish. He wants us to become like Him so much, that He shows us this through His selfless actions. Everything we have in life is a gift from God, because He was unselfish with you.
As I close out, some of you may be wondering what the graphic in the beginning is all about. I photoshop-ed a tattoo over a bodybuilder's heart bc
a) I went to the gym this AM & still have "gymrat" on my mind
but more because
b) I want to work through my pride & selfishness.
The text "GH>op" stands for God's Humility is greater than our pride. And it's placed over the heart because we need to carry that as if it's tattooed on each of our individual hearts. When we are at our worst, God still shows us His best.