I Want A Cloud, Too 2017.05.05

If you've been reading my recent posts over the past 2wks, my head's been spinning from some difficult struggles that I've been facing. I have searched for supportive scriptures, in the hopes of finding some definitive, holy answer to my questions. I'd like to think that I've been alert enough to spot any trace of God speaking... I mean, I want to hear Him loud & clear. I've spoken with wise counsel and prayed as if everything mattered... But i'm still in the same predicament, so maybe I missed something? What if I thought that I heard God's voice, but instead it was just my own emotions or feelings, controlling my thoughts? What if I made a wrong decision recently?
Is it too much to ask for, to have a spotlight shine on the path (or decisions) that God wants me to take?
So maybe, giving up on looking out for a blaringly obvious answer from God, it should come to prayer. Praying for wisdom, clarity & guidance is our start. During times like these, we need to pray for peace & hope to fill our heart & mind, leaving no room for confusion or negative thoughts. And when we're done praying, we look up... and what do we see? Clouds! White & puffy, or dark & grey... they're up there.

By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way

Exodus 13:21[a]

Soon after the Israelites left Egypt, God led them through the wilderness. He guided them during the daytime with a cloud, and at night He provided a pillar of fire. How often do we pray to God for a cloud of our very own? Instead, we're left with a cloudy mind or heart. How often are we so worried to make the wrong decision, that we couldn't make any decision at all? We can feel like we are lost in our own wilderness. Read this:

17When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, "If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt." 18So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea. The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle.

Exodus 13:17-18

God led them down the long road, possibly because the short road was easier... or maybe because they might not have felt the need to fully rely upon Him. The path that God sent them on was long & difficult, but He was always before them. They trusted God enough to lead their way, even if they didn't understand it... but their lives & faith were saved as a result. As His disciples, we know that if we walk down the right path, God is with us. And if we take a wrong turn, He's still there, guiding and leading us out of our wilderness. In fact, He may take us down the most difficult path, with the full intent of growing our faith along the way. Yeah, a physical cloud before us would be great, but it doesn't mean that God is now with us! Despite our difficult moments, God will lead us... whether it takes a while or not... Not matter how long we spend in that wilderness, God will never leave us there. Regardless of the decisions we make, we'll never be alone on any path we take.