Identifying A Hardened Heart [part 1] 2017.01.07
I haven't posted in a while. I've been on vacation from work, holidays, time with my son, i'm back at working out... My entire schedule has been thrown off, and I can definitely feel a difference in my heart. It's not as pliable & soft as it was when I had last posted, and it just seems to be getting worse - This, I know.
The problem is, our heart dictates how our lives will turn out (Matthew 6:21). And a hardened heart is like driving during a sunrise (or sunset). Example: I used to work the 6am to 6pm shift, 45min away, 3 days a week (what a great job!). I'd be on the road by 5:15am, and more often than not, my ride would start off in the dark, and i'd arrive at work in the sunlight. What struck me odd often was, my eyes would be focused on the road & the surroundings, but I wouldn't notice the change from dark to light. It's as if it just sprung up at me! It's the same with a hardened heart.
Unfortunately, a heart condition will happen, and often. And the saying holds true: "The faster you address it, the easier it will be to fix it". So, what can we look out for when this happens?
1. You don't feel like talking to ANYONE
11We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. 12We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. 13As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also. | ||
2 Corinthians 11-13 |
One surefire way to tell that your hear has hardened is when your ability to talk to anyone about anything of substance is either limited, or completely stopped. If someone brings up a topic that hits a sensitive spot, and you shut that conversation down, your heart has hardened. I'm not saying that an inability to talk about sensitive topics is proof of a hardened heart - it's normal to feel uncomfortable, talking about difficult topics - but it's another thing entirely if it leads you to completely locking down the conversation with anyone trying to come close.
In the scripture, Paul tells us that it's up to us if we want to be open or not. Yes, opening your heart may sound scarey at times, but what are your options? A constantly closed heart will lead you to a position where you may have little to no friends in your corner - AVOID THAT!
Solution: Be vulnerable (sigh). Paul poetically tells us to let people know what's gong on with you, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel. I find it funny when... when life is good, when your walk with God is "on-point", it's easy to serve, be encouraging, be vulnerable. But throw a "dark cloud" and we lock up tighter than a bank. Start with your discipling partner or close church sibling. Expand your personal bubble in order to soften your heart.
More Tomorrow...