#IDreamOfJesus 2018.02.09

Wen I was younger, there was an old sitcom that would play from time to time, called "I Dream of Jeanie". For those who may not know, the concept was, this air force pilot came across a lamp, which housed a genie. The obvious stories ensue. It made the thought of "rubbing a lamp for 3 wishes" a common thought. We'd spend a lot of time, seeing who could out-do the other, with the creativity of how we'd spend our wishes. How grand our lives would be because of our own 'personal genie'.
Would you be surprised if I said that we sometimes see Jesus in that way, as our own genie? Think about it - Who hasn't prayed a prayer, expecting it to be answered right away? Only for it to not be answered right away, and we either get mad, or lose hope & faith.
God is amazing because, He allows prayers to take time so we can get to know Him better. When we need an answer, we look for God, keep asking Him, keep praying to Him. And through those days, months or years, a relationship between God & ourselves is built (and strengthened). You see, if God answered your prayer immediately, there wouldn't be a need for a relationship.
Moral Benefits of Wisdom | ||
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
2turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding—
3indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding,
4and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
6For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
8for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. | ||
Proverbs 2:1-8 |
A relationship (with God or anyone else) is like a treasure - and a treasure is not found overnight. And it makes sense that "searching for treasure" is not as exciting as "uncovering treasure". And that's us - we're not happy until we get the new job, or the money in the bank, or marriage, or . Why can't we enjoy the search for this treasure? Why can't we enjoy the time spent with Him, the relationship that's developed during our own personal "tough times"? It's because we want God to be the genie, and answer our wishes right then.
If you look back at all of your close relationships, chances are that they were "made important" during it's tough times. God is one of those people. He has a perfect plan for us, but it involves bonding through some tough times with Him. And since it's God, we shouldn't become bitter over it. Sickness, job loss, or the loss of someone dear to you - these are all painful things, but God is still with you. If He were to give you everything that you asked for, at the moment that you asked for it, He would be your slave and not your God.

Have you ever once thought (in your life) that God is so mad at us that we can't be forgiven? Jesus is out to get us, but not in the way one would think. He's "out to get us" because he loves us! The devil wants you to think that Jesus is "the bad guy" - Don't believe that nonsense! Jesus isn't a "genie" you can stuff into a bottle - He's much bigger than that. Look to God, especially when the times are tough, and give Him your praises. It's then when your relationship with Him will flourish.