Inner Struggle In Re: To God 2016.12.16
So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. | ||
Galatians 4:7 |
Ever since we came out of the water, our attitude has always been "OF COURSE!" to the question: "Do you want more God in your life?" We've shared it with fellow disciples, heard it in sermons, maybe even said it in communion\contribution talks.
"I want to be insanely in love with God."
"I want to draw near to God."
"I want God's everything."
And all of this is true. But in a twisted way, it's also a lie. Think about it - How often do we have one hand reaching out to God, and yet our other hand holds us back? This is quite possibly one of man's biggest struggle in their relationship with God - We are at war within ourselves.
For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever[a] you want. | ||
Galatians 5:17 |
But what are some of those inner struggles that we experience?
God wants us to stay close to Him, but our selves don't trust Him (His timetable, plan, direction, decision, involvement). We just have to question how God works.
God says that He will heal us & prepare us for what lies ahead, but we don't believe that we're fixable, or even worthy.
God says that you need to open your heart so He can work on you, but be vulnerable?!?! "What if I do? God will hate me!"
God says "listen to Me, obey, and I will lead you" but we can't trust. This is too uncomfortable.
God says He will be the beginning of our hope, but we are afraid of change.
God will teach us, whether we fight Him or not. No matter how much we kick & scream, He will help us grow. Again, I've never met a disciple who has not been thankful for the changes that God has made in them. God's coming in and we can't stop Him. But if we let Him in, the changes begin sooner and happen faster...