It's Not About Dr. Strange, Love 2016.11.06

Today has been a great day... It started 5 days ago, when I reserved my tickets for the new "Dr. Strange" movie - seats & time: confirmed! At 1:30pm on Sunday, my son, brother, nephew, & I will be enjoying the latest Marvel movie! And if you know us, we are serious Marvel-heads. We research the trailers, trying to understand what they're showing us, looking for any hints or easter eggs... yeah, it's quite sad.
Forward to Sunday: Great day! Teen-led service at my church - absolutely amazing! Feeling like i'm about to burst from having too much of the spirit! Even better, I had my brother with me... I had my brother back. (long story, will blog about it one day). (and on a vain level, loving my haircut and i'm down more lbs from working out HARD!!! I am lookin' dope today!!)
Lunch was quick & painless (fast food, but hey, I've got the spirit so...) and then 1:30 rolls around. Our soft reclining chairs in the movie theater waiting for us. Didn't make a difference if we got there on time or late... our seats were reserved! The anticipation of the new & sold-out movie was looming and we were all excited to see it.
And i'm sure that they're enjoying it because I'm sitting in a nearby mcdonalds, while they're enveloping the latest cinema-graphic marvel masterpiece... Yup, I'm not watching this because I gave my ticket away.
You see, there's a single dad who I've been reaching out to, and when I found out that his son had nothing to do on this sunday's afternoon, I realized that I really could live without seeing this movie today. It was even a surprise to my son, as... well, we're serous cinemaphiles.
For me, it was about my friend's son hanging out with my boys, enjoying their time, breaking some bread, and being awe-inspired by this new movie. And if that meant missing out on a movie, then so be it. I know that his dad appreciates me taking an interest in his son, and that's what pays the dividends.

not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Philippians 2:4

This dad has been a absolute God-send, because the timing's perfect. First off, he's a guy, trying to raise his son right, realizing that the world isn't that great of a place. He's looking for positive people, and noticed that in an old high school friend of his, my sister. So she reaches out to me, gives me the lowdown, and we hit it off.
I'm loving life because God's blessed me with therapy, opening up my heart for more "God". I've been through the darkness that the world's inhabitants are too familiar with, but I've been able to walk thru it & into God's light - not because of "me" but all because of "Him". I know that it sounds corny, but when I listened to my friend talk about his struggles, I get excited for him because he is literally on the cusp of beginning his relationship with God, and how great will that ride be?!?
I've invited him to church, offered to pick them up, and asked to start a study - He is all for it but he just has to "make that decision" inside himself. He's never really known "God", wants to learn but he has to take that step first. God could not have picked a better advertisement to show this guy than me! I've been where he's been, I've struggled with the same insecurities, all the meanwhile, trying to put a face on for my son. But he gets to see what happens when you put your faith in God, that he is not alone. I have never been happier in my life, internally and not due to a job, woman or whatever! I am content, not because of what I can do, but in whom who is in control - God.
Giving away my ticket for this movie isn't really a sacrifice - It's a movie, but more importantly, it puts a smile on a kid's face, and shows his dad that there truly are people who care. What's also important is how to great I feel to hand over my ticket to this kid because i can see God's Spirit in action. God is good!
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40