My "Go-To" Language Is Anger 2017.04.25

Don't let my happy smile and sarcastic humor fool you - I am an angry person. I have to fight because my initial reaction to most struggles is anger. I've reacted negatively to most things most of my life. And I have been fighting in keeping my anger at bay for the past 5 days. Forget the church, forget the retreat, and not to minimize all of the conversations & prayers I've had with others... I feel the devil after me and I feel like i'm losing (even tho I know that I'm not).
And this morning was no different - I am struggling. I had dropped a carton of milk, it began to spill onto the floor, and my initial reaction was to pick it up, pitch it to into the sink at 70mph, and scream out a swear.

19My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

James 1:19-20

My anger stems from something that happened in my life, and "anger" is my defense. The devil has me wrapped up in the "what\who hurt me now" that it's taken the focus off of God, taken the focus off of why I just fall back upon anger. Situations happen, and, to a healthy point, it's ok to be angry or disappointed. But it's what we do to express it that matters.
What is your "go to" emotion? Anger? Fear? Denial? How much thought have you put into it to find out why this happens? Or do we focus more on "damage control"? Yes, we pray about it but do we pray more about our food than we do about our "go to" language? Even though I love Luke 10:19 (look it up), does what you struggle with seem bigger? Something that simply seems impossible to beat? (even tho we worship a God who chews up "impossible" and spits out "success")
We all agree that "a disciple's life" isn't an easy one, nor will it be free from frustration (or anger), but man!! This one just doesn't feel right!

26"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27and do not give the devil a foothold.

Ephesians 4:26-27

This post is a bit open-ended - We know what we need to do: let go of that anger, pray about it, and talk to God about it. But I can't tell you "how to let anger go". If I knew, I doubt i'd be where I am at the moment. The only thing I do know is that the more I "do" what God tells me to do, the easier this will become. God has our back, whether we remember that or not. He wants us to win, and how can we not (unless we get in the way).