Our Most Carried Possession Shouldn't Be Our Cellphone 2016.10.26

Do you wish that your Bible looked like this?!?
During service, or a study, when I see a bible like this, I think "oooooh... so that's what my bible should look like?!?" Worn down, marked up with a multitude of colors... But I don't think that that often because I don't see many bibles even as remotely "loved" as this one. (way to push it off me and onto you, huh?!)(Granted, in today's technological age, all of my notes, mark-ups, and journal even, are electronic... Easily indexed for searching, tags and all... But if you could convert my eBible to a physical bible, it still wouldn't look like the picture above *sigh*)
We Christians find it difficult to stay in a habit of daily bible reading, much less get into the habit. We all know of it's relevance & power, we have solid memories of what life is like when we read, and when we don't. The only way to get through life, with a genuine smile, is to become the person that God sees us to be, and not who we've been. And to do that, how God wants us to live, feel & breath... But more importantly, we need to know that we can't do this alone - He doesn't want us to do this alone. And the bible is God's Word in your hands.
"Struggling with the relevance of the Bible in today's society"
Sure, the Bible won't help you get out of a speeding ticket, or shut up the loud person at the movies - It's not meant to. It's power is on what it can do for you. It helps you to live a life where we care about other's safety more than "getting to our destination quickly", accepting the responsibility of our actions humbly, and learning to truly love others, irregardless of their shortcomings. God's Word shows us how & why we live for God's glory.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31

"I Don't Have Time"
Whether we are single or married, a parent or not, it is difficult to find the time in the day for clear-headed, uninterrupted time with the Bible. Parents need to unite and set the precedence that their quiet times are important and must be respected in the eyes of their children. I won't judge anyone on whether or not their kid runs their household, but I have to say that our time with God needs to take precedence over all. Spouses should work together so that their significant other can get in their quiet times with no interruption. All men need to lead (or be able to lead, single brothers) their wives in the word so that her faith can grow & stand strong on it's own. You must be the example in the pursuit of the greatest treasure available.
One great motivator for me was talking to my spiritual family often but make sure that the topic was scripture-laden! When my quiet times were "off", I had little to say during those types of conversations! I'd nod my head with what was shared with me, and hope that they wouldn't ask to many questions, exposing my lack of spiritual knowledge. But when my quiet times are "strong", it's amazing as to how many times I use what I've learned that day, in conversation with others!
I can't speak for everyone, but I honestly believe that our lives today as disciples contains more sincere joy than any day before baptism. God has changed our hearts & minds so we can truly know happiness. We have begun in learning to not live for ourselves, leaving more with God, loving others, serving... the list is endless! Like the human brain, you have a tool and you know it's power, and yet we find it difficult to utilize it's full potential.
When we struggle with life, we pray.
When we want something badly, we pray.
If you're quiet times have not been consistent or strong, when was the last time you prayed?
Your time with God is greater than family, your job, and most definitely, your worries. And that time is what draws us closer to the One Person who can help with our family, job and worries.

16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching,rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17