#ReCharge 2017.05.31
We all have times when we are overwhelmed with God, and that's a good thing! But on the opposite end of the spectrum, sometimes we find ourselves just tapped out. You feel as if you are just drained, spiritually. This is nothing to minimize, or hide - We all have times where we need to be recharged in our relationship. Sometimes, we can get so busy doing things for God, that we can forget to be with Him. Sometimes, complacency can set in, and before we know it, we find ourselves "spiritually sluggish".
Friends have shared that during their "recharge-needed" times, they open up to the book of Psalms. This book is filled with songs, written by songwriters who have felt the same emotions we feel today. It is filled with songs of praise, confession, and frustration. There are even songs written by people who have felt spiritually dry as well. But the main thing about Psalms is that is focuses on God, and can bring us back to the right heart & perspective. It does this because it stirs up our love for Him and His Word.
One thing you can do is journal through Psalms
A friend once shared that you start in Psalm 1, and each day, write out a different Psalm in your journal. Then, personalize it by rewriting certain portions of that Psalm, in your own words, as a prayer to God. It was even suggested that you change up the version that you're reading as well - If you're familiar with NIV, journal using NLT, CEV, MSG, ... End each journal entry with a one-sentence prayer, asking God to reignite your heart based on what you've read.
Pray through the Psalms
This one's a new one for me - Read some of the Psalms out loud, and then pray it back to God.
16You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. 17The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. | ||
Psalm 145:16-17 |
And then pray it back like this:
"Thank You, God, that You have the power to give me all that I need to be satisfied. Satisfy me with only You.
I praise You for being righteous in all Your ways. Help me to trust Your righteousness and kindness in all that I bring before You, rather than being cynical and, at times, expecting the worst." |
Sing Through the Psalms
Yep. I said it. I'm not asking you to do this in front of people... Just God. I think that we all know that God is definitely worth the effort needed to do something like this. Some verses may "sound" familiar as they have been set to music for years - But you may have to make up a tune, based on the mood that's in the text.
I like how we all have said, at multiple times in our walk with God, that we are not worthy of what God gives us, on a daily basis. How there is no way that we can even begin to pay Him back for all that He's done... And yet, how bad did you cringe when I suggested that you sing the Psalms?!? When times are good, what have you said at the passing idea on "what would you do to 'keep' your current level of spiritual happiness?" "Anything"?!?
You know the power that God's Word has in our lives, and how we don't want to lose it. But when we need re-charging, it's even that much harder to "get it back" because the devil doesn't want that for you.