#Scars [part 1] 2018.01.29
We all have scars. Whether from the playground when we were kids, or past relationships that hurt so much, we all carry some reminder of past experiences. For some of us, we’re proud of them. We’re not haughty, or wear them like rings on a pimp, but carry them with confidence and strength. But for most, we try to cover them up, hoping and praying that people never notice… The problem is, with these types of scars, people do (if one only takes the time to look).
But today, I want to talk about a different type of scar - actual scars, inflicted by the person themselves. Maybe you’ve never known of anyone like that, I know I never have until the past couple of years.. but they are out there and it’s quite possible you may "know" of one or two, and just not "know’.

NOTE: I’m writing this in an attempt to understand, and find ways to help. I am not judging anyone, nor minimizing any reason people do what they feel what they need to do.
People who harm themselves, do it do a variety of reasons: from feeling numb inside, they hurt themselves to feel something… some form of guilt, and hurt themselves as some type of penance… or simply a lack of self-worth.
Let’s not lie here… this is an intense topic to talk about, and it’s normally treated as taboo. Those who do it, feel ashamed. Doctors & nurses may get exasperated when someone healthy hurts themselves to a point where they need medical assistance. Family & friends may even feel squeamish about cutting, blood, the bruises that come from it, or the pain. A common thought from someone outside of this situation may be, "if they can hurt themselves like this, they could also take their own life as well".
Self-harm is self-inflicted physical harm. It’s a deliberate attempt to cause physical pain to oneself - it’s not a a suicidal act. Just like anger, crying, avoidance, denial… it’s a way of coping with unpleasant or overwhelming emotions, thoughts or situations.
Speaking from outside this circle, I’ve asked "Why? Why injure yourself on purpose?" And in asking this, I have learned more about their own world, on the reasoning… but there has always been, in some small form or larger, something that’s "hard to understand" or "I don’t know why I’m doing this".

Princess Diana confessed that she reacted to the strain of her marriage by throwing herself down the staircase and cutting herself with razors, pens, knives, and lemon slicers. "You have so much pain inside yourself," she said in an interview with the BBC, "you try and hurt yourself on the outside because you need help."
Believe it or not, self-harm is a defense mechanism against pain, done in order to feel alive, control feelings or relieve pain, convert emotional pain into physical pain, or to simply punish oneself.
I will conclude this topic tomorrow, trying to better understand self-harm, and how we can all draw strength & understanding from God’s Word. We all hurt, and we all express our pain in our own way. The pain that we carry, at times, is incredibly noticeable. And that’s not a bad thing… It’s just fact. What’s funny is how we deny this pain that we still carry\hold onto. People who self-harm, and the ones who don’t, are all the same - we just have different ways in handling difficult situations. But God sees us all the same - as His children. Happy at times, and hurt as well. His heart leaps for joy when we are smiling and enjoying the blessings that He’s bestowed upon us, and is weighed down when we struggle with life’s lessons & the pain that accompanies it, at times.