Slave To??? 2017.05.17
When you think of the word "slave", most of the time, negative connotations come up. The first image is usually one of America's frightful past:

It's one where we vow to never let happen again... How we can allow a society to oppress people based simply on the color of their skin, the god that they worship, or their cultural heritage?
That word - slave - is a "button" word where it just doesn't feel or sound good. It's almost as if our pride is insulted by the word itself. "I am a slave to nothing\no one!" But is that entirely true?
I know what you're thinking - "I'm a slave to the One who has set me free..."
Ok, Billy Bible... let's not head in that direction just yet...
True, Paul tells us that, as disciples, we are "slaves to righteousness" [Romans 6:18b] but we are human, and often or not, we are enslaved to a particular sin.
"But wha?!?!?!"
Stuff: When we spend a lot of time thinking about more money, nicer clothes, more shoes (yes sisters, I'm calling you out), nicer cars or houses, ... we have been consumed with acquiring things. We are slaves to stuff.
Sexuality: If you read yesterday's post [click here for it], sexual desire is a gift from God, in it's proper place. But if sex is always on your mind, you have twisted it into something God never intended.
Re-read this: You have twisted it into something that God never intended.
This is not a good thing! It will lead us to harm!
If immoral sexuality pops up, and you always look, you are a slave to this sin.
Substances: Something not often thought of is the control substances have over us. I'm not talking about the obvious "lethal" stuff (like drugs or alcohol), but things like caffeine (and yes, diet coke is included), sugar, fast foods, ... If you can't say "no", then you are addicted.
Someone: Sometimes, people wield undue influence, or even outright control, over others. This could be a shortcoming within ourselves, or the idea that these people are just bullies. But if we're controlled by & addicted to securing their approval, then we're slaves.
But when we mention that we are "slaves to God", even that raises eyebrows from the world. They unknowingly think of this as a restriction to freedom, as if God's rules are seen as bondage... when in reality, we are all slaves to some other thing that is not related to God [see Romans 6:17] where we yield to whatever sin natures demand. Or we can be slaves to righteousness [Romans 6:18], making the conscious effort in doing the will of our Master.
"I am a slave to righteousness!! I think... wait, am i?!?!?"
Maybe these things may offer some insight.
You are soberly aware of your personal UN-righteousness
When we sin, we should feel convicted. Our heart hurts because we are breaking God's standard. When we lust at the gym (or any other place for that matter), say something cruel or filthy, choose the wrong choice, ... we should feel specific & acute conviction.
You can't ignore your sin & have to make it right
When we are presented with a specific sin, we should quickly ask God for forgiveness. We also should be convicted to apologize to the ones we have offended.
You want to please... Jesus
Honestly ask yourself this:
Do you think of God frequently?
Not "every moment" but many times throughout the day, every day? Regardless if it's a bad day or not? Real slaves to righteousness always ask themselves "Does doing 'this' bring honor to Jesus?"

So, which slave are you? Do you familiarize yourself with the chains to sin, or righteousness?
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test? | ||
2 Corinthians 13:5 |
If you're not bearing fruit of righteousness (not perfectly, but consistent & increasing), then you must question whether you've been set free from sin [Romans 6:18].
In the end, you can't be a slave to two (or more) masters.