The Punches Will Not End 2017.04.06

It doesn't matter if we're struggling with something (or a lot), or if the metaphorical sun is shinning in our lives... The devil will not stop attacking us. His sole intent is to create havoc so we can draw away from God. He may not attack us consistently, but will wait until we're at a vulnerable place... and then attacks. That's why we need to be on our guard every single day.

8Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.

1 Peter 5:8-9

I just love how this is not a cryptic message... It doesn't take time or resources to understand... The devil is after us, and yet, we can live our lives as if "bad things" aren't suppose to happen!!! (I am speaking personally here...) We can become overwhelmed with the "giants of life", and it's common to feel intimidated. But this is when our enemy will come along and fuel our fear & doubt with his whispers.
His job is to discourage us from believing that we will ever walk in "triumph". And he is good at it! he doesn't have to scare us... he doesn't have to yell or threaten us... He doesn't have to be seen... He's so good that all he has to do is whisper into our ear. And it's doesn't have to be a statement - he'll just whisper something to start our doubt, and we'll do the rest. We are like dominoes and all he does is give us the first gentle nudge. He is the king of all lies, and all we can do is stand & fight, or run & hide. That choice will always be our own.
But it doesn't matter how big (or small) the obstacles are before us, or what the devil says - The most important thing is what God's Word says about out particular situation.

"So let us seize and hold fast and retain without wavering the hope we cherish and confess and our acknowledgement of it, for He Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His word"

Hebrews 10:23 AMP

It has taken a long time for me to even begin to formulate this (or let it get thru my head) - I have nothing to fear from the devil. All of my life, he has been a scarey monster that should cause my pulse to rise by the mere thought of him, but i've grown to learn that, not only is God more powerful than the devil on any good day, but that God truly has my back. My Father loves me so much, that He will not let the devil hurt me. But I need to be the one who knows that, and not just "believes" that.
It's normal to hear "We should never back down from the devil!" but we need firmly believe that we know how our story ends - WE WIN!! I mean, how can we not with us on God's side? In learning that the devil shouldn't intimidate me, I also learned that I make it to the end with God! I just have to buckle up & go along for the ride, regardless of the bumps, or speed, or whatever. What matters is how I respond during "the ride".
God sent Jesus to die for us so we could have victory over the devil. That victory came at such a cost, his blood. We are then protected by that blood & His protection prevents the devil in having any dominion over us.
In the past, I have found that my surroundings may not change, but my mindset will. One minute, I will be happy, and in the next, I would be closed off or bothered by something, when nothing surrounding me has changed. It wasn't until I was able to "see" the problem in me, that I could hold onto my happiness longer. The same methodology applies to my "spiritual happiness" - The devil will attack, and he will wait, but that shouldn't deter from God's power over him (and for me). My faith is in Him, and not in the fear of the devil.