#"TheFebrezeBrothers"WithGod 2018.02.08

We had an incredible midweek last Tuesday, and I wanted to follow it up with a post... And since yesterday got away from me (and I didn't make the time [i'll admit it... the fault starts with me] to get my quiet time in), it's been on the back of my mind.

I've always loved a clear conscience - the problem I've always had was, my definition of a clear conscience.
"Well, they deserved that fistful of unfiltered truth!"
or whatever other excuse my insecurities led me to. My problem with a clear conscience was my "baseline", what was clear for me.

Thats why God has been an incredible ride for me, because He's introduced me to His baseline, His standards, and it makes things easier!! Ok, well... Maybe not "easy"... definitely not "easy" in the beginning! "Acclimating" took some serious time & re-programming... but after some time (due to my own personal selfishness & sin), I know that He wants whats best for me.
OK. Got it.
God. So, what
does it take for a
clear conscience?
The path to a clear conscience begins with repentance. That means reviewing every area of your life, and then repenting of every sin. Repent means:
- Take responsibility for your sin
- Turn away from those things.
- Turn towards God & His Grace.
Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven, and say: "We have sinned and rebelled" | ||
Lamentations 3:40-42a |
What repentance doesn't mean is rationalizing our sin - One doesn't say, "It's no big deal".
It is a big deal, otherwise
you wouldn't have remembered it!
There is no excuse that frees you from your sin... and the "but i'm imperfect" line is a reason, but doesn't get you off the hook. You can't rationalize sin, minimize it, excuse it, or blame others for it. That isn't true repentance.
"WE" are the greatest hold-up to our own personal healing. We're not waiting on God. He wants to heal our hang-ups but, in the end, we are the ones blocking it.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. | ||
1 John 1:8 |
This is a silly question but it needs to be asked:
Would you like to get rid of the self-defeating habits in your life?
It's silly because the answer is an obvious "yes"... and yet we have the hardest time getting past them. The honest truth is, you will stop defeating yourself when you stop deceiving yourself. Repentance starts with gut-level honesty, and recognizing when something is wrong, regardless of our desire to rationalize or excuse it.
Start with confessing it... by getting it out of your life.