There's Something About You 2017.02.20
When you self-reflect, "turning over [psychological] stones" can be painful. The shock & awe of the "coming to the realization of what truly happened" can be a lot to process. It makes sense tho - Things need to crash down before you can rebuild them properly. I won't lie - I'm not a fan of those moments. I am easily overwhelmed with the feelings or thoughts that happen during those times. But the one saving grace with all of this is that, no matter how bad it gets, I know that it's temporary, and at the end of this, I will be a much better person because of it.
But it's during those times, it's easy to feel overwhelmed not only with this "new revelation", but when you add the "normal day-to-day stresses", we can easily struggle with maintaining a positive mindset. Let's face it - we are our own worst enemies. We may feel like we're "no good" or just bad people, but we need to remember how God sees us - Especially during these times.
I will show my love to the one I called ‘Not my loved one.’
I will say to those called ‘Not my people,’ ‘You are my people’;
and they will say, ‘You are my God.’" | ||
Hosea 2:23b |
Even when we may not be our biggest fans, we must remember that we are chosen by God. Every hit of the hammer on the nails that punctured Jesus, He did that for us. Every excruciating second, He did that to protect us because of His love for us. Think about that for a moment... let that soak in. Remember this when we are not our own biggest fan.
Hosea is a great example when it comes to struggles & revelations - He was a prophet where God told him to marry a prostitute. This was to show Israel how they have been unfaithful by their worship of false gods. Hosea's wife, Gomer, would give him children, but would leave him again & again for another lover. (And I thought that the things I shared in therapy couldn't be topped!)
All thoughout the book of Hosea, we see judgment, hope, destruction and restoration. And just like the nation of Israel & Hosea choosing Gomer, God chose you. Despite the love God has for us, how often do we wain in our faith & love for Him? I hate to say it, but we too have cheated on God with our selfishness. (tough to say, but needs to be said).
There are times when it's difficult to look into our own mirror, and not see all of the reasons why we are chosen & loved: we're selfish, we wander away from God, we do things for our own motives, we're just not good enough... this list never ends. But what doesn't change is how clear God's mirror is of us. It reflects that we are chosen & loved. And that includes you.
The book of Hosea is a great resource because it conveys to us that despite our mistakes and unfaithfulness at times, God still pursues us! The message in Hosea is still God's message to us. And just as Israel's identity was a chosen & loved people of God, our identity is also as chosen & loved children of God as well. God loves us because He is love, and not because we clean up well, or can remember a scripture or 12. We didn't earn His love, and more importantly, we can't lose His love either. Jesus didn't die for us because we were worthy; He first loved us and then we became worthy.
9This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. 10This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. | ||
1 John 4:9-10 |