#UnclenchYourFist 2017.05.24

Every time I make a fist, I have to remember that God's Hand is greater...
This is something that I'll probably end up tattooing somewhere... Again, my "go-to emotion" is anger. If I don't understand it, if I can't figure it out, if I am slighted or misrepresented, if I can't process it... I get frustrated. And if the results don't change, frustration breeds into anger. I'm grateful for the knowledge that I've gained over the past couple of years where I am able to "better" communicate my feelings or thoughts, thereby putting greater distance between me & frustration. But this past month or so... I may not be clenching my fist physically, I am most certainly clenching it emotionally, mentally, spiritually, ...
Nehemiah led the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. And he met insults & intimidation from his enemies, along with injustices from his own people. It was even insinuated that Nehemiah was working his own personal agenda. But he kept asking God for help while taking every defensive step he could.
Nehemiah 6:15 states that he completed the wall in 52 days. But that wasn't the end of the work that God wanted from him. Nehemiah encouraged the Israelites to study God's Word, to worship & to keep God's law. He even served as governor (Nehemiah 5:14) and followed up with the people to make sure that his reforms were still in place. He had a life-long commitment in leading the people.
We all face challenges & struggles in life, but God helped Nehemiah - He will also strengthen our hands for the rest of our lives, with whatever He lays before us.
They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, "Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed."
But I prayed, "Now strengthen my hands." | ||
Nehemiah 6:9 |