#WeAreParalyzed 2018.01.24

I went to bed late last night, watching some youtube videos on some things I’ve been meaning to learn & grow in. Now, I’m usually the type of person who wakes up early, alarm clock or not, so I need to go to bed early. If not, then I’ll wake up early nonetheless and be a zombie for the rest of the day. So, this morning was difficult as I went to bed past midnight. This simply proves that despite this being "my" life, I’m not the best person to be in charge. How many times have I reluctantly reaped what I’ve sown when I chose to do things "my way"? And despite my dedication to God, this is still an issue.

How about a hypothetical?
A bit dark but what about this? Imagine if you were totally paralyzed and could do nothing for yourself, but talk. But, lucky enough, there was a friend who was strong & reliable, and they promised to live with you and do whatever you needed to be done. How would you glorify them if someone else came to see you? Would you try to glorify their generosity & strength by trying to get out of bed yourself and carry them? Not at all… you’d ask them to lift you out of bed so you could spend time talking to your visitor. Maybe ask them for water, or your glasses to see your visitor better. And your visitor would learn from all of this that you are helpless and that your friend is strong & kind. You would glorify your friend by needing them, asking them for help, counting on them, and, of course, thanking them for their constant help.

In the bigger picture of life, we are the paralyzed, and God is that live-in friend. Without Jesus, we are incapable of Christ-Iike goodness. But John 5:15 states God intends for us to do this Christ-like goodness, namely bear fruit. He has declared that He will do for us, and through us, what we can’t do for ourselves.
And for this, we glorify Him by following this scripture - We talk to Him in prayer!
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. | ||
John 15:7 |
We ask God to do for us through Jesus what we can’t do for ourselves - bear fruit. And by this, we glorify Him
This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. | ||
John 15:8 |
When we pray to God, it’s an admission that we are paralyzed without Him - We can do nothing by ourselves. Prayer is denial of ourselves, and the confidence in God that He will provide the help that we need.