#WhachaLookinAt 2017.06.29
Turn to me and be saved,
all you ends of the earth;
for I am God, and there is no other. | ||
Isaiah 45:22 |
For those who've been disciples for a while, it's interesting as to how often, this creeps in: We expect God to come to us. God's word (noted above) says otherwise. Its all too common to turn towards God when times get tough, but difficult when times are good. This scripture, the "Turn to me and be saved" is one of the strongest & common themes throughout the Bible - We need to align everything about us - our mind, heart & actions - to be focused upon Him.

Many of us have this "image" of what a Christian should look like... what we are shooting for... but that may not be as helpful as one may think - Are you focusing on this "image" or upon God?
He offers certainty, and not possibility or probability - It says "Turn to me and be saved" and not "Turn to me on the chance of being saved". This is the type of loving God we worship. He loves us so much that even when we "lose focus" and become irritable with Him, His promise to us doesn't change or waiver - "Turn to me and be saved".
There will be times when our struggles will be so difficult, that we need to wake ourselves up and look back upon God. It's funny as to when things are good, this statement seems obvious. But when times get real, this seems almost impossible to do. But His promise doesn't change - "Turn to Him".
Salvation is yours, the moment you turn.