#WheresYourHead? 2017.09.06
In the beginning, I used to commonly "judge" the Israelites... I have (mercilessly)(and unlovingly) referred to them as "idiots" - My mentality was:
- They had God!
- They had prophets!
- They physically witnessed things that only supported the previous two statements.
- and yet, their faith in God was like an ocean tide - in & out before you could blink.
I mean, their "freedom walk to the Promised Land" journey from Egypt to Canaan should've taken 11 days, but it took them 40yrs! Most of the ones who walked out of Egypt, did not make it to Canaan! They had a negative mindset, and it was evident since they were ungrateful, whiny, fearful & idolatrous. I mean, they were slaves for hundreds of years, and their prayers for a rescuer had been answered (and in a fashion never seen before by man), and they're like this?!?! They had no positive vision for their lives - They needed to let go of that mentality and simply trust God. But because they didn't, God had them wander for so long because they weren't ready.
But over time, God has shown me that I am more like the Israelites than I care to imagine... I look back at my life and love God for everything that He's done, thanking Him for changing my life, wondering why it took me so long to get to where I am now, when I could've done this decades ago... How often do I recall all of the miracles that God has shown me, publicly praise God for them, and yet still wander the same mountains, day in & day out, instead of make progress?
God has freed us, but we still have this wilderness mentality. We need a new mindset.
| Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." |
| Matthew 19:26 |
That's pretty much it! We need to have faith in Him, He needs us to believe and He'll do the rest. He's telling us the same thing that He told the Israelites:
| The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, "You have stayed long enough at this mountain. |
| Deuteronomy 1:6 |

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