Why Aren't You Smiling? 2016.11.03

Within the past summer, I've come to the realization: "I've never been happier!"
Yes, life has problems, I'm still in therapy, I still have bad days.... But I've never been better. One important thing was realizing that "Whenever I lead my life, things blow up". Even if God gave me a hint on where He wanted me to go, I'd want to speed things up & move things along, only for it all to blow up. God's Plan, His Direction, His Timing... I realized that "what I want" could be the problem, so I tried to do what God's wants of me (yeah, that was HARD!!!)(still is). And I haven't been happier.
My quiet times have been strong and prayer life as well (alone and with others). This has strengthened my relationship with God, opened up doors that help me to truly appreciate God, and my faith in Him has grown. I have come to know Psalm 16:11:

You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

The world around me hasn't changed, but I have. Since my relationship & faith in Him has grown, I am more capable to leave the world's struggles at my "door", and not let in to fester with my heart & mind. God protects His own. He has throughout my life, and will continue to do so - How can I know this, have witnessed this, and not believe in this when the times gets rough?
And this makes me happy. I mean, How can it not?
I realized something - I've shared this with many disciples and have yet to have met someone who says differently - Even on my worst day "today", I still have more joy & happiness than on any day before my baptism. Now, let's not get technical - My [failed] marriage, the birth of my son, ... are life-changing, joyful events, but i myself still struggled before & after those moments. Now, I can smile after difficult times, I can remain calm when speaking with my ex-wife about my son's struggles, And I owe this to God.

32 "Now then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways.
33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it.
34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.
35 For those who find me find life and receive favor from the Lord.

Proverbs 8:32-35

As a disciple, if your life doesn't have the joy, then how is your relationship with God? Your faith, your quiet times... Are you encouraging others, or always seeking encouragement?

the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

Acts 20:35

If your walk with God isn't evident towards the people around you, much less to yourself, then a recalibration is needed. Happiness & joy are the benefits of a relationship with God - our utmost important is that relationship.