Worthy Thru Him

C. G. Espejo

An awesome site made by Him through me...

#AreYouReallyAMan?!? 2018.07.23

All my life, I have heard "be a man" - from pre-teen years thru my adult life. Now, I will admit, I’m an emotional kind of guy, and it wasn’t until recently that I had learned "why" I was so emotio...

#Unburdened 2018.07.22

I am finding that God is trying to teach me something where:I seriously need to learn\grow in\become stronger withI am not putting enough faith in Him as I think I amMy attempts are not bringing me...

#WhatAreYouDoing?!?(BecauseILoveYou) 2018.07.18

We had a great men's midweek last night, where Tim spoke about Phinehas (grandson to Aaron, priest, killed Zimri (israelite) & Cozbi (Midianite woman) with a spear). Tim's message was about account...

#ThisJustSucks 2018.07.17

I think that it’s interesting as to how you can be riding high one day, and with the snap of some fingers, you’re low, riddled with thought\grief\frustration. As I’ve shared in the past, my "go to ...

Busted Up Homies 2018.07.11

I love my brothers (sorry, sisters… this is about my gender-familiar homies) (but I love my sisters as well!) My brothers have been an incredible resource of friendship and life-lessons learned. On...

God's Strength-1, Your Struggle-0 2018.07.10

Going off last night's quiet time (yes, i know... "last night?!?!"), I wanted to continue on what we can expect, and do, in regards to our own personal struggle. I don't remember when, but I had a ...

Patience Was A Girl I Knew Long Ago... 2018.07.09

If there is one (of many things) that i struggle with, it's most certainly "patience". It's always been "about me", when I wanted it, and in the way I expected it. I'm selfish... tragically, beauti...

Spite To The Umpteenth Level 2018.07.07

I always thought that that word "spite" was a negative - "I did it out of spite..." But when I read something encouraging, it made me think because it used that word "God, and His Promises, remain...

Your True Place... With Everything 2018.05.09

The scriptures say, when someone strikes your cheek, you offer them the other one. Love your neighbor and your enemies as yourself. If we reap for our own selfish desires, will reap corruption. And...

#MyPrecious(Sin) 2018.03.13

My son & I are huge fans of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings movies (The Hobbit should’ve been shorter & better but…) Several times, we have gotten our "LotR nerd" on, and have discussed cinematographic...