Worthy Thru Him

C. G. Espejo

An awesome site made by Him through me...

#GetUp...AND TAKEYOURMAT! 2017.08.24

Still feeling the theme from my posts over the past couple of days, God is a god of action - What He says, He'll do and it will happen. He's not like us where, we know what we need to do but... we ...

#ButTodaysQuietTimeHasGod,Huh? [part 2] 2017.08.23

Hopefully after yesterday's post, today's quiet time is a bit more real... impactful... honest. What's funny about Quiet Times is that we know that it's CRUCIAL to not only have them, but it must...

#YourTimeWithGodDoesntHaveGod [part 1] 2017.08.22

Each & every morning, we choose to not have a miserable day (well, i at least hope so!) But how often do we wake up, and hit the snooze button, and roll over, and "want" 5 more minutes of something...

#Grace 2017.08.21

As disciples, the very definition of the word grace should be readily available to us. Our relationship with God is due to God's grace. The scriptures have spoken about God's grace for 2,000 yea...

#SinVsGod 2017.08.17

God is an amazing Father, one who loves, guides & protects us... better than anyone\thing can\has throughout all of history. He loves us so much that He has given us everything in our lives, provid...

#LettingItGo-TheReward 2017.08.07

I have been in a bad place for the past couple of months - the lack of recent blog entries prove this obvious. I have been trying to deal with, or let go of, some things that I just can't get past....

#Anger [part one] 2017.07.17

I was talking to someone over the weekend and they shared how she & her boyfriend drove down from Massachusetts, and how her boyfriend has "road rage". Now, understand something - this is quite pos...

#WhachaLookinAt 2017.06.29

Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.Isaiah 45:22 For those who've been disciples for a while, it's interesting as to how often, this creeps i...

#Don'tDecide 2017.06.07

We have always wondered of we were making the right decision or not. It's understandable - making the wrong decision creates stress. "Should I stay, or go?" "Should I marry this girl?" "Should I mo...

#Joy [unfinished] 2017.06.06

Joy is a by-product of our relationship with God, whether we worship God or not. When God blesses us, not only with good things\times, but also with the ability to weather through the hard times wi...